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Appropriations Outreach for MSHS Grantees

Thank you for your continuous advocacy in support of Migrant and Seasonal Head Start (MSHS) and particularly efforts to get language included in the FY 2024 Labor, HHS Appropriations bill to address the eligibility barriers facing the farmworker families we serve. Congress is still working to finalize the FY 2024 Labor, HHS Appropriations and this means MSHS programs have one more chance to ask their elected officials for help in seeing that the MSHS eligibility language that was approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee is included in the final Labor, HHS Appropriations bill.

We are urging all MSHS grantees to email their Senators and Representatives before the year's end, to remind them how critically important it is that the MSHS eligibility language is included in the FY 2024 Appropriations Bill. Click here to find an email template you can personalize and use to communicate with your Senators and Representatives. And we’ve attached a letter from the National Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Association (NMSHSA) and the National Indian Head Start Directors Association (NIHSDA) asking congress to address the eligibility barriers facing both programs. We suggest MSHS grantees attach a copy of the letter to the email they send to their Representatives and Senators.

This end-of year outreach to Members of Congress builds upon the success of the NMSHSA’s 2023 Advocacy Day and will further strengthen the relationships that MSHS grantees are building with elected officials. Our aim is to keep our elected officials engaged and informed on how they can actively support MSHS programs and our MSHS families.

If we all work together this effort will be successful in solving eligibility issues that affect our programs.

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Author: NMSHSA Management and the Feighan Team