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The Life of an Intern

Farewell, Washington D.C. I will forever be grateful for this opportunity! The saying goes: “All good things must come to an end,” and it holds. Unfortunately, I again find myself in my small North Carolina town. Although I may not be spending my summer in Washington D.C, I remain eager to start my internship with the National Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Association.

Truthfully, I am not sure what to expect in the following weeks. I was recently informed that I would be interning in a different organization than planned. This predicament, however, is not dire at all. As mentioned, D.C. is a fast-paced city that will throw unexpected curveballs. If you are not prepared, you will get hit, and no one wants that. During the two weeks I spent in D.C, I learned that being adaptable is a significant component of professionalism. So, I used what I learned to adapt.

Tomorrow, I start my internship placement with the National Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Association, where I will be working with a fantastic team. I look forward to using my recently sharpened networking skills. Additionally, I am excited to work alongside communications assistant, Itzia! 

Besides the people, I am excited to see how non-profit organizations turn dreams into actions. For example, how do parents’ concerns travel to Washington D.C? By the end of my internship, I hope to be able to answer this question.

Simply thinking about starting my internship fills me with nerves. As mentioned, this is my first “real” job. Last year, I worked at an ice cream shop, where I was making less than minimum wage. If you currently find yourself in that position, know that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.

Blog Author(s)
Author: José Velázquez Castellano – Class of 2022