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A Life-Changing Mentorship

Group of interns, Janet's blog 4, 2021.

From the moment I landed in Washington D.C., I knew I would develop a network of passionate, like-minded individuals who, if given the chance, would move mountains to help me succeed. Through observation and conversation, I was able to learn essential, professional discipline and determination from the entire NMSHSA staff and Kendra Moesle - Director of Workforce Development and my supervisor at the Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs (AFOP). However, now that I have been working specifically with Kendra for the past few weeks, I can truly say she is an attentive and immensely knowledgeable mentor. I leapt into this environment without having any sort of background about the policy that encompasses AFOP, but through research and personalized, interactive projects, I’ve been able to learn and understand why she dedicates her time and skills to an association that strives to create opportunities for farmworkers and farmworker youth. I’ve had several mentors throughout my past, but none had ever given me the boost of confidence to believe in myself and my work, no matter how minimal, the way she does. She is patient when educating me on unfamiliar topics, yet actively encourages me to challenge myself, especially when I doubt it most. Although she may not realize this, she has inspired me to continue building my knowledge on the rules and regulations that shape the programs that help hard-working, yet unfairly impoverished farmworkers so that I can join in on being an advocate for change.

Without knowing it, Kendra has uncovered topics that would never have crossed my mind if I hadn’t been placed with AFOP, specifically under her supervision. Although I only have a few weeks left under her mentorship, I hope some fraction of this mentee-mentor relationship will continue as I move forward in developing who I am.

Blog Author(s)
Author: Janet Domínguez – Class of 2021