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Everyone Needs a Mentor!

A mentor for me has been Areli Arteaga, Deputy Political Director at United Farm Workers. We come from similar backgrounds such as both being from the Pacific Northwest, her from Idaho and I from Washington, we both began working in the fields at a young age and know firsthand how labor-intensive working in agriculture is. Furthermore, we’ve also been enrolled at a Head Start program and know the impact Head Start programs have on families and on the early development of children. Right off the bat, Areli made herself an outlet of support to her team, including myself, from the beginning she made me feel comfortable by her being herself and allowing me to be myself as well. I told her what my current struggles were, and she not only comforted me by explaining to me some of her personal experiences with things she’s struggled with or has had to overcome but shared with me advice on how I can overcome certain things as well. She has shown me the importance of advocacy and what that entails, how to give yourself credit, and how to also take care of yourself. Her leadership skills include helping others see their potential, empowering others, delegating routine and important tasks, and also helping the team align with each other. On top of the excellent leadership that she’s shown in the small amount of time we’ve known each other; she is also extremely approachable and always open to answering my questions and solving any of my doubts to the best of her abilities. I know for certain that she has my back, wants to see me succeed, and will not condemn or criticize me, but instead guide me towards a clearer path if ever in doubt.

Mentors are essential to the growth and development of every person, they help encourage and enable their professional or personal development, therefore, I am fortunate enough to have gained a mentor like Areli in my life.

Blog Author(s)
Author: Cristalina Ramírez – Class of 2021