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A Good Mentor = A Great Team

Blog 4 picture of Jacqueline, 2021.

Reid Maki is someone I would like to appreciate for being my mentor. I am aware that being a director of an organization is a busy position, but Reid still finds time to guide me through his work assignments. From leading his organization through social media platforms, to creating meetings with global organizations, he helps the Child Labor Coalition (CLC) get recognized in any way possible. His powerful messages allow others to see the passion he holds towards the purpose of the CLC. When I met him in person, he presented himself as a good-natured individual who was there to help me develop and gain new professional skills.  Even though it is not always easy convincing people to look at an issue from your own perspective, Reid finds support from self-experienced individuals or people who come from powerful positions to help his work be acknowledged by supporters. When I work with Reid I feel welcomed and acknowledged for my position and my work ethic. I feel that he appreciates who I am and where I come from. It is nice to feel that your boss appreciates your presence and is aware of the moral support in need, especially when it's a student who comes from a different set of social and professional environments. From learning how to create and work a Twitter account to speaking in a panel about child labor experiences and learning how to professionally reach out to organizations, I have learned so much since the start of my internship position. Thanks to Reid's support and guidance, I have managed to keep up and gain new skills. Even though I am not in person in DC, I feel that with the work and the daily support my motivation continues. I feel as if I already know the type of environment DC and its people have to offer.

A mentor not only means someone who guides you to the correct way but someone who helps me grow and achieve my aspirations. Reid taking the time to check up on me has allowed me to see my true value as an intern for the CLC. As my mentor, he has inspired me to want to become the next leader of an organization or any business I dream of.

Blog Author(s)
Author: Jaqueline Palacios – Class of 2021