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Welcome to DC: Jose’s Version

Two young men walking next to a field with jars with flowers.

“I guess we’re both nervous.”

“Very,” I responded.

Hillary, my train companion, and I said our goodbyes and began our journeys into the nation’s capital. As I neared the entrance of Union Station, my stomach began to knot, and my heart raced. This internship would be the first time I would work a “real” job requiring formal wear and not the ripped jeans in my closet.

“Am I ready for this?” I thought to myself.

Whatever the answer was, it was too late to back out.

Now that I have been in the nation’s capital for a few days, I can genuinely say I was ready. From pride parades, war memorials, and dinosaur exhibits, the nation’s capital has introduced me to a fast-paced lifestyle like no other; it seems everyone is always on the run. Although intimidating, I find comfort in the crowds of driven people. 

Alongside my exploration of Washington DC, I have made friendships with Alma and Gizela, my fellow interns. Their company has provided nothing but laughter. From our failed attempt at making pizza to our morning coffee runs, their curiosity and excitement have ignited my own. 

As my first week ends, I am ecstatic to see what other wonders DC will provide. So far, I have been given two coffee shop recommendations, which are now at the top of my to-do list. However, while I reflect on this week, I cannot help but think about how privileged I am to be here. While I am having fun in DC, thousands of migrant families continue to live in poverty. The barriers these communities face must never be ignored, especially the children, as they are our nation’s future. So, if you are currently eating something, look down, up, or sideways and say thank you to those that picked the ingredients. 

Blog Author(s)
Author:José Velásquez Castellano – Class of 2022