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The Journey Is Never-Ending

Interns and Cleo taking a selfie

How amazing it is to look back and know the true value of time, wishing I can turn it back and relive certain moments just one more time. I will forever hold in my heart the time with United Farm Workers when I was able to share my story with Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal and urge for a pathway to citizenship and also meet Teresa Romero, President of United Farmworkers. Or the time in D.C. where I was able to truly see the diversity of the city during my first pride parade. Or our last team dinner knowing that the people sitting at the table were going to be forever in my life; sharing how we will all amount to be great individuals, embracing our unique stories and upbringing, promising that we would continue supporting each other through our journey. But the best moment overall was meeting highly educated and motivated people wanting to succeed professionally; Ilda, Sofia, Cleo, Robert, Janna, Jaqueline, Maria, Janet, Juan, and many others. Through them, I’ve learned the value of living each day with purpose and intention, either to make a positive impact on one single person or a community. The saying, “it takes a village to raise a child” could not be more true. I am the woman I am today and who I am yet to become thanks to my village who has built me up. Throughout my journey, I had an amazing team motivating and mentoring me and now I want nothing more than to pay it forward. These fortunate experiences have set me on a path to achieve great things that I know I’m capable of and it is true that no one person can solve all the world’s problems, but what I can do is make that little corner of the world where I am just a little bit better.

This achievement is one I will always honor and cherish. To each person that has planted seeds of love, wisdom, and bravery in my heart – I will truly never forget your support. Thank you because you have guided me with strength, tenderness, toughness, and honesty. Thank you because my voice and my story didn’t fall on deaf ears; because you have helped me in an outstanding way in the process of discovering who I am; and thank you because your seeds will most definitely give fruit. I can’t thank everyone enough for being a blessing in my life. You all form part of my family now.

Blog Author(s)
Cristal Ramírez – Class of 2021