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Welcome to DC

Hi! My name is Isaac Pena. I am a first generation second year student at the University of Oregon studying Political science with a minor in Criminology and Legal studies. I come from a long line of farm, field, and agriculture workers. My parent’s both started their careers in the strawberry, tree nursery fields in a neighboring town on the other side of the border of California. My father worked for a dairy farm not too far outside of my hometown and now he is a Machine Operator for a union saw mill in Klamath Falls, Oregon. My mother used to work in the strawberry fields, and tree nursery in my hometown as well as local grocery stores in the off season of agricultural work. Now my mother works for the Oregon Child Development Coalition (OCDC) as a Regional Family Educator, which is the program that I grew up in.  I started OCDC when I was 2 years old until I was about 5 years old. I, myself, worked in agriculture during high school, I would spend my summers working for a local farm in my hometown doing all kinds of different work as a farmhand in the scorching 90+ degree southern Oregon heat, and let me tell you, it is definitely not a job that takes very little sacrifice. 

I sacrificed my summers to help my family with bills, groceries, and fuel, striving towards our dream that future generations won't endure what we did. I have two younger siblings who I could not imagine having to work in the conditions I had growing up. This motivates me to excel in school and pursue a career that makes my brothers proud, inspiring them to pursue their own dreams. It shows that with perseverance, anything is possible. 
Before arriving in DC for this internship, my career path was uncertain. However, after just one week here, I've developed a passion for the city and my work. As a child of DACA recipient immigrant parents from Mexico, I'm now deeply interested in immigration policies and migrant education. This internship has sparked these career aspirations within me through the NMSHSA and my work placement with the United Farm Workers Policy and Legislative team.

I've already established numerous connections in DC and look forward to forging more during my time here. Thank you, for your continued support in the MSHS programs and the NMSHSA internship!

Blog Author(s)
Author: Isaac Ramón Peña – Class of 2024