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How Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Finally Succeeded in Expanding Reach to Farmworker Families

Blog Author(s)
Author: NMSHSA Executive Director Cleo Rodriguez, Jr.
Publish Date

National Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Association (NMSHSA) Executive Director Cleo Rodriguez, Jr. recounts tales of tragedy and triumph in the policy and advocacy work required to successfully expand Migrant Head Start eligibility for farmworker families.

Originally published in Progress Report, powered by UNIDOSUS.

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    Young latina girl.

Safeguarding Workers and Employers from OSHA Overreach and Skewed Priorities

Blog Author(s)
Author: Hannah Perez – The Feigham Team
Publish Date

The House Committee on Education and the Workforce's Subcommittee on Workforce Protections held a hearing on July 24th titled “Safeguarding Workers and Employers from OSHA Overreach and Skewed Priorities.” The discussion focused on the impact of OSHA's recent proposed rules including the pending rule on Heat Protections for various industries and small businesses, including agricultural and farmworker labor.

Parent Ambassador Program


The purpose of this flagship program is to help farm workers develop on substantive issues such: as civic engagement, COVID-19 pandemic response, and advocacy. Through their participation in the program trainings, parent ambassadors will also be provided the opportunity to be heard on a national level.



Welcome to the National Migrant & Seasonal Head Start Association Advocacy Page. We are the national voice for migrant and seasonal farmworker children who participate in the Migrant & Seasonal Head Start Program.

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