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How Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Finally Succeeded in Expanding Reach to Farmworker Families

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Author: NMSHSA Executive Director Cleo Rodriguez, Jr.
Publish Date

National Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Association (NMSHSA) Executive Director Cleo Rodriguez, Jr. recounts tales of tragedy and triumph in the policy and advocacy work required to successfully expand Migrant Head Start eligibility for farmworker families.

Originally published in Progress Report, powered by UNIDOSUS.

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    Young latina girl.

My Memorable Moments

Blog Author(s)
Author: Luz Selena Vázquez Hernández – Class of 2024
Publish Date

This summer will be unforgettable. As I leave, I will cherish every memory I made with the NMSHSA, my cohort, my placement and DC overall. But most importantly I will make sure that I follow my inspirations and return to the nation's capital.

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    Luz Vázquez standing at an office with a couple.


Blog Author(s)
Author: Isaac Ramón Peña – Class of 2024
Publish Date

Interning in DC has sparked my interest in political lobbying and maybe even running for office. I'm grateful to my NMSHSA family for this opportunity to grow and will always cherish memories like scootering around DC and visiting NYC.

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    Isaac at a Head Start classroom.

Reflections on My NMSHSA Internship: A Journey of Growth, Community, and Exploration in Washington, D.C.

Blog Author(s)
Author: Berenice Verdugo – Class of 2024
Publish Date

Reflecting on my NMSHSA internship in Washington, D.C., I am grateful. From meaningful conversations at Unidos US to memorable team dinners, biking around the National Mall, and embracing every opportunity—this summer has been transformative.

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