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Something New

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Author: Isaac Ramón Peña – Class of 2024
Publish Date

I am three weeks into my internship, and it’s the best experience of my life! Coming from a small town in Oregon, I hadn’t traveled much. Adapting to DC’s humid weather and exploring new restaurants has been exciting.

My Summer in the Nations Heart

Blog Author(s)
Author: Luz Selena Vázquez Hernández – Class of 2024
Publish Date

DC has a lot and I have made it my goal to attend networking events and visit a new location every day. Overall, interning this summer at the nation's capital is such a memorable experience and has inspired me to come back in the future.

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    Luz standing in front of the Supreme Court building.

In the Right Place at the Right Time: A Journey of Faith and Opportunity in Washington, DC

Blog Author(s)
Author: Berenice Verdugo – Class of 2024
Publish Date

Arriving in a different city encounters mixed emotions, although an open heart and mind leads you to making the best out of anything. I came to realize that DC is not so different, everyone here is striving every day to make the world a better place.

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    Berenice standing in the National Mall, with the Washington Monument in the background.

Transforming Lives through Legislative Action

Blog Author(s)
Author: Luz Selena Vázquez Hernández – Class of 2024
Publish Date

I enjoy my placement. I am eager to go into work every day even though I came in having little knowledge on child labor issues. I am glad I quickly grasped the goals of CLC and understand the advocacy and outreach. I will be focusing on bills affecting child labor and look forward to being part of NCL.

Sí, se puede.

Blog Author(s)
Author: Isaac Ramón Peña – Class of 2024
Publish Date

I've begun my internship with the United Farm Workers Union (UFW) on their policy and legislative team. Here's a sneak peek into a week in my life as an intern in DC.

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