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Internship Blogs

Young leaders demonstrate higher career aspirations, increased self-esteem, and improved educational completion rates — resulting in increased civic engagement and positive impact on their communities. The NMSHSA Internship Program provides opportunities for advocacy, event- planning, public speaking, and project management.

Want to read more about our internship? Read our blogs.


Networking: Smile and Wave

Blog Author(s)
Author: José Velázquez Castellano – Class of 2022
Publish Date

This week we were introduced to networking. Although a tricky skill, my internship class and I have strived to master it. While meeting other people, I realized that networking has always been a part of my migrant life.

From Labor Worker to DC Summer Intern

Blog Author(s)
Author: Gizela Gaspar – Class of 2022
Publish Date

My experience with the NMSHSA Summer Internship Program has been unbelievable. I am  truly amazed to say I have visited Washington DC! This experience is something I will always carry close with me. From creating amazing friendships with the other interns to simply seeing what Washington DC has to offer!

From PC to DC

Blog Author(s)
Author: Alma Hernández De La Cruz – Class of 2022
Publish Date

From landing in Washington DC to starting my internship, all while making lifetime friendships and memorable adventures. Attending eye-opening panels and becoming aware of what happens behind the scenes for MSHS programs and farmworker families.

  • Image
    Interns taking a selfie, 2022