Freedom to Me

Freedom to me is the ability to do anything I want without the fear of being oppressed, to express myself, and follow my dreams. Having the opportunity to be where I am today and pursuing my education, traveling, and living my own life is my freedom. However, I owe my freedom to my parents because they sacrificed and risked so much for me and my siblings. With all the support they have given me I have been able to attain an education, pursue a career, travel and live my life in ways they never could.
My parents' sacrifices have made it possible for me to have dreams and follow them through. Thanks to them I have gotten the opportunity to travel to 5 states and 2 countries, which is more than my parents have ever experienced. With over 25 years of my parents living in the United States, being farmworkers, and with a constant fear of deportation it's a privilege for me to travel and have these opportunities. Growing up with a background in migrant farm work and being low-income, I also experienced my parents' challenges working in the fields for long hours but knowing that I had the opportunity for a better lifestyle made me leave the fields at 19.

The hardships and resilience my parents have endured inspires me every day to seize opportunities and create lasting memories.
So, as I spend my summer here in DC, create new friendships, travel, and follow my career, I carry my parents spirit with me every step of the way. Celebrating the 4th of July in Washington, DC, filled me with a feeling of pride and reflection. Being at the nation’s capital on Independence Day is full of joy because of the freedoms and opportunities we enjoy. However, at the same time my family’s journey and the challenges they have faced deepens my appreciation for all their sacrifices. With my freedom, I would like to honor my parents and give back to my community. I have the freedom that many farmworkers do not have, and being an advocate for my community is just the beginning.