New Beginnings with UnidosUS: Interning, Learning, and Making a Difference!

I began working with UnidosUS as my work placement about a week ago. The first couple of days I was thrilled to meet everyone. I was also nervous as to what work I would have to do, since D.C can look intimidating at first. UnidosUS is the number one non-profit in the nation whose mission is to improve the quality of life for the Latino & immigrant community.

On my first day, my manager Melina Kiper, a Senior Strategist for Education Policy, welcomed me. She took me to Joe & the Juice where we got to know one another better and to review everything I will work on in the following weeks. Melina is very open to questions and concerns; she allowed me to feel heard and more comfortable with this internship because I am new to DC and the organization. She introduced me to various people in the office like Sam Kenney- Senior Housing Policy Analyst, Amalia Chamorro- director of Education Policy and many more inspiring individuals. The kind of work I will be doing during the summer is attending meetings with Melina about early education where I am more than welcome to express any ideas I may have. I will also be attending their Education Summit in Los Angeles, California, which is super exciting because I get to learn more about the actions UnidosUS is taking, I will connect with more individuals & I get to explore a whole new environment which I've always seen so much on TV. Right now, I am reading through Latino policy memos and resources to gain knowledge so that I may be equipped when discussing education policy in meetings or projects. Interning for a non-profit is distinct in comparison to interning with a for-profit. I love the mission and I truly connect with those whom UnidosUS serves. Thank you to UnidosUS and all the organizations who put in all their effort in creating great change in the Latino and immigrant communities.