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Something New

What’s up, everyone? I am three weeks into my internship, and I can wholeheartedly say that this is probably the best experience of my life! I have never traveled to the East Coast or really traveled anywhere by plane, especially not by myself. My mom and friends have told me about their endeavors to the East Coast, but to experience it for myself was eye opening. Coming from a small town in Oregon, I never traveled that much, this is mostly because my parents needed to save money when I was younger. The only states I had been to before arriving to DC were on the West Coast including Nevada, Washington, California, and Idaho, and I have visited Canada and Mexico as well. 
There are many things I have been getting accustomed to since arriving to DC. For example, going out in the humid weather took some getting used to for me, as I usually wear darker clothing. Upon arrival to DC, I also decided to eat at what I thought was a Mexican restaurant. Come to find out, it was a more of a Central American food restaurant. It had the same concept of food that is traditional to me, but with its own twist! It was good and now is one of my new favorite restaurants. I am excited to keep exploring new cultures in the nation’s capital! There are some familiar restaurants that I have back home as well, so that is a big comfort for me as I continue to explore. 
I've always seen DC, in shows, pictures, movies, or the news and I always thought how cool it would be to see it in person. Experiencing DC firsthand has given me a sense of professionalism and urgency, thanks to its business atmosphere and fast-paced culture. My first metro ride was the most interesting experience, from trying to figure out what train to get on and how to activate my metro card. Luckily, I am a quick learner, and I even now know shortcuts to get around DC, it just took a little practice. One of the coolest things for me is how much bigger the monuments and statues are! I’ve always seen them in pictures, but to see them in person is its own form of awe.  Visiting DC has always been on my bucket list, now I get to cross it off and work on getting a picture in Times Square. For my next adventure, I am so excited to be able to go to New York later this week and experience the Big Apple!

Blog Author(s)
Author: Isaac Ramón Peña – Class of 2024