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“Working 9 to 5”- Dolly Parton

As my first week of work ends, I am ecstatic to see what else the summer holds. This past week, I attended four congressional meetings, each as exciting as the other. I shared my experience with the East Coast Migrant Head Start Project during these meetings. I enjoyed meeting with congressional staff; seeing how differently every team talked to us was interesting. This past week has been unforgettable, and I am excited to see what else I can participate in.

Although the congressional meetings were interesting, I also attended a DACA panel on Tuesday. I had the honor of meeting Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona during this meeting. The panelist and I shared our experiences as undocumented immigrants in the United States. Tears were shed, and laughs were had, but our concerns were heard at the end of the meeting. Attending this panel was an eye-opening experience that has fueled my passion for immigration reform.

Besides attending panels and meetings, I received my first projects: updating the alumni website page and the Vaccine project. I am excited to start the alumni project as it allows me to connect with past alumni and their resources. The Vaccine project is a collaborative project with the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago. The Alumni project allows me the opportunity to network and socialize; inversely, the Vaccine project focuses more on research and data. As the wheels on these projects begin to move, they also begin to expand my career interests.

As my second week of interning begins, I am curious to see how these projects will take shape. Although I may not be sure about my future projects, what is certain is that the National Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Association is a busy organization. Reflecting on this opportunity is always mind-blowing. Two years ago, I could not imagine a life outside working in agriculture, but now I envision endless career possibilities. I will forever remember this opportunity.

Blog Author(s)
Author: José Velázquez Castellano – Class of 2022